Hey everyone! We’re changing to a monthly format and putting the anime and manga together. Things will be a little tightly scheduled for February and March, but we’ll handle it! Here is the Facebook Event: [FB] and the Meetup.com event: [Meetup]. Please RSVP on one of the two so we have some […]

February Panels and Frames – February 21, 2017

Due to weather and some or our core members not being able to make it, we’re cancelling tomorrow’s Anime Assembly. We’re very sorry for the inconvenience. The anime for January will now be for February. Thank you.

Cancellation Notice – January 2017 Anime Assembly

The January Manga Moot volumes (that are still in print) are available at BAM now. I went in and checked. They’ve probably had them for a couple of weeks, but they didn’t call me again. Anyway, just head in to BAM and go up to the front desk and ask […]

January Manga Moot volumes are available at BAM

PLEASE NOTE: THIS HAS BEEN CANCELED DUE TO WEATHER, AND CANCELLATIONS   We meet around 7PM and have the room until 10PM (though typically don’t stay that late) Here is the Facebook Event: [FB] and the Meetup.com event: [Meetup]. Please RSVP on one of the two so we have some idea of […]

!!Canceled Anime Assembly – January 10, 2017

Generally we prefer to order in our manga from BAM here in Eau Claire, but I (Matt) fell behind for this month. Amazon links are also provided. We meet around 7PM and have the room until 10PM (though typically don’t stay that late) Here is the Facebook Event: [FB] and the […]

Upcoming Manga Moot – 12/20/2016

While most of the posts on this blog are going to be things like announcements for our meetings and so on, this first one is just a quick description of what we’re doing. Panels and Frames is a anime and manga club based in Eau Claire, WI. Most of our […]

Obligatory First Post